David & Kathy Foreman provide Pastoral Care Counseling.
Although not licensed therapists, both have had training in marriage counseling. Many marriage issues are common to both opposite sex couples and same-sex couples, so Re-Union applies the same main approach to either. David continued his training in a variety of areas, and has earned two certificates in counseling studies. Growth Focused Brief Therapy Although different models may be used, our primary model is "Growth Focused Brief Therapy (GFBT). Traditionally, therapy lasted for years. Maybe even a lifetime. With GFBT, short-term counseling (a few weeks to a few months) is employed. When the counseling model is growth-focused, rather than problem-focused or solution-focused, clients develop the ability to continue growing even after their sessions have discontinued. "Change is inevitable; growth is optional." |
David has had additional counseling studies in preparation for his ordination, as he is a licensed minister. He has also done much study on his own, and counsels from a wide, adaptable perspective. Mr. Foreman also counsels those wishing to reconcile their personal faith with their sexual identity. Spirituality is a prominent part of LifeWalk counseling. At LifeWalk, we believe everything is spiritual. Our goal is to assist you in the growth process, as we respect your particular spiritual journey. If we do not feel we are a good "fit" for your needs, we may suggest other options for you. Please call or email for additional information. 260-445-7531 [email protected] |